Archive for January, 2011

Gaming plan for a reforming MMOer…..

Posted in Games, MMO, PS3, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 28/01/2011 by arthur1977

With my purchase of Resistance 2 CE yesterday I started my gaming recovery from a decade of playing MMO’s.  Don’t get me wrong, over that time I have met a lot of amazing people and spent thousands of hours happily killing mobs and questing.  I would like to thank a few of those people for making my time online in various games truly a pleasure, namely Freckles, Holt, Osii, Octavious, Farid, Maghburn, Tetragram, and Beetlebabe (I know I am missing a few more).  I tend to be shy so making good friends online is difficult which in turn makes these people even more special! 

I will always look at my time playing MMO’s as a great gaming experience but I also know during that time I have missed out on a lot of great PS2 + PS3 games. Now that my life has gotten too busy for MMO’s my time is freed up for some console gaming. I hope to go back and play some of the amazing games I have missed over the last couple of years.  I’ve sampled just a few of them hanging out with friends but never picked them up myself, titles like Uncharted 2 and the Ratchet and Clank series are just two that come to mind.

On top of that, this year seems to have a lot of great games coming out for the PS3. There are currently about 6 game that are being released this year that I have a strong interest in playing (Dragon Age 2, Deus Ex 3, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and if I can find the time Two Worlds 2)! I might just have to stock up on some coffee and pull a few all nighters to get through these games.

Oh well I guess it is never a bad thing to have too many games to play 🙂

A post a week, I think I can handle that….

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on 25/01/2011 by arthur1977

I’ve decided I want to try to be more consistent with my blogging.  With a busy schedule at work and home sometimes you just need the right encouragement. That is when I found this Blog a Day/Week initiative by The Daily Post and though it sounded great!   I will be posting on this blog once a week for all of 2011.

I know it won’t be easy, but it expect it to be fun, inspiring, and challenging. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments, and suggestions, and good will along the way.



TopWare / SouthPeak you just lost a sale :(

Posted in Games, PS3 with tags , , , , , on 23/01/2011 by arthur1977

After being delayed three separate time in the course of my pre-order I finally pulled the pug on my copy of Two Worlds 2.  It’s unfortunate for TopWare / SouthPeak  because I was really looking forward to giving this game a try. In the end their loss is BioWare / EA’s gain.

I was hoping to play TW2 to bridge the gap between Christmas and the release of Dragon Age 2 (early March), but with the numerous delays the release dates have just became to close.   The release of TW2 has been kind of frustrating from the start, they kept on delaying the game over here in North America but I have a friend living in Europe who has been playing it for about 6 weeks.  I would have easily bought the game a month and half ago because it would have given my a solid 10 weeks to play through the game before DA2.  With my busy schedule I just couldn’t justify dropping 70$ on TW2 and only enjoy it for a few weeks before I devote my gaming time to DA2.

I do believe that  TopWare / SouthPeak seemed to have made a solid game, unfortunately for me their time has run out. I still plan to keep this game on my radar and just might pick it up later this year.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Posted in Games, PS3 with tags , on 22/01/2011 by arthur1977

Well I picked up Castlevania: Lords of Shadow earlier in the week to help pass the time until Two Worlds II comes out this Tuesday (at last).  The reason I picked up Castlevania was because of the high praise it was given by the Player One Podcast, check it out if you like listening to gaming podcasts.

I have very little skill in this type of game, it resembles more God of War then the classic Castlevania games.  It took me a while to get in to the swing of the game but after the first few hours I started getting the hang of the combo and blocking system.  I made it through the first 3 chapter (out of 12) on the easy setting  and had a blast.  There are a lot of hidden collectibles and weapon upgrades that keep you interested in going back to previous levels to find them all. I spent one night just back tracking using the IGN walk through getting some gems and weapon upgrades that I missed.

Lord of Shadows is a beautiful looking game, and if it wasn’t for my pre-order of Two Worlds II I would strongly consider buying this game.  If you like playing God of War I suggest you give this game a try, it contains lots of action paired with a great magic and combo system.

Still hooked on Castle Age!

Posted in Games with tags , on 14/01/2011 by arthur1977

I must admit life has been keeping me busy but I have been making time to keep building my army in Castle Age.  I currently have 200 people in my army and have just hit level 91 today.  If you play at all please add me to your army (I need all the help I can get because even at level 91 I still feel like a noob!).

My current plan is helping out people in my army knock off boss monsters in hope of getting some great loot.  When leveling I have been focusing my skill points on stamina and attack power 🙂

If anyone has suggestions on leveling strategies or wants to join my army feel free to comment here or add me on Facebook: Enigmatic Arthur

An eventful New Year!

Posted in Life with tags , on 09/01/2011 by arthur1977

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope your celebrations did not leave you in to bad of shape to head back to work after the weekend.  I myself had a nice and relaxing New Years sitting at home as the rest of the family went to Montreal (one of the down sides of working weekends).

This new year has certainly been a busy on for the Arthur Household. I lucked out and have been temperately working in a different role at work focusing on how to increase safety on site, and our little lady is starting to cut her teeth!  I think the only downside so far has been the delay of Two Worlds 2, but it’s not like I would have had time to play it anyway (hell I can hardly find time to blog!).

Well that is about it for now, all the best in 2011!